Café du Vesper

Web Components

Published at



Right now this file is a compilation of resources I have found regarding Web Components (which I will abbreviate as WC from now on).

Basically, web components are a way to enrich your HTML with custom elements that do, well, things. Of course, this all depends on Javascript.


I had like 30 tabs open while reading (I use vertical tabs), but after cleaning up there's only a few really interesting pages.


Resources to understand and/or learn to use WC. I try to sort them by how much they help to understand the concept, with the most helpful at the top.

  1. Blinded by the light dom - Highly recommend this one. It also links to and is linked from the following article.
  2. Jim Nielsen's icon galleries
  3. HTML with superpowers
  4. Web Components will outlive your javascript framework
  5. HTML web components
