Café du Vesper

Inter RSS (feeds) links

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I want RSS readers to, when you click on a link in an RSS article to another RSS article (in the same or another blog), open that other article's corresponding RSS item in the app.

Ideally, the RSS reader I use is pretty. It feels nice to read in it. So why would I want to leave it to go back to the web, why do I need to load remote fonts and themes and eveything for an article that I already downloaded locally ??

Of course, I don't intend for this feature to work on any link. It just so happens that interesting people have this weird tendency to create groups and link to each other. It also just so happens that I probably follow these like-minded individuals.

So why isn't the RSS reader just going "Oh, I know this link ! Here you go" and provide me with the reading experienced that I specifically asked for ?